Friday 11 November 2011

6th Nov - Tom Price

Rusty, Kell, Murray (Muzz), Tylor - thanks to you guys, saved us from being carried away by mozzies at Tom Price caravan park, which we found out later from other travellers....
Tom Price is a very family orientated little town of about 5-6000 people.   They have all the sporting clubs available, including T Ball, basket ball, softball, plus a brand new swimming complex.  They are also upgrading the shopping precinct to including more shopping options and a tavern.
The age of technology, which Darl and I aren't up on much.    Rusty keeps in close contact with his boys, Brody and Calib, via Xbox games/headset.  His boys live south of Perth.                          We couldn't quite believe this photo, so I had to take a pic, one of Rusty's mates took this at Fortescue falls.    Imagine the feed the snake had, apparently it couldn't move for a few weeks after and sat on the ledge of the gorge for all that time.  We can't imagine how long the snake took to devour this feast down his gullet.

Tylor got a little bored on Sunday and offered her assistance to Mel who was changing the front/back tyres around.    Good on ya Darl, looks like he is supervising while Tylor does all the hard work!!    Tylor just started training for the basketball season, so conned Darl into a few rounds on the carport, I think Tylor won.....  Darl took Muzz's bike for a spin while the girls went shopping.   I hope he didn't flatten the tyres doing burnouts or jumping gutters.
We jumped the treddlies for a short ride around town, Tylor come with us.   Surely we won't have any trouble with helmets, so we opt to wear our hats instead (Tylor was a good girl wore helmet).  But no, only a couple blocks away we got chipped by the local police lady "If you haven't got helmets, get off bikes now and walk"...okey dokey, at least we didn't get fine on the spot.  Went back got our helmets and continued our ride up to the lookout where we found the golf course.  The putting green don't look so green from up here.....

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