Thursday 17 November 2011

14th Nov - Another Bike Adventure

We (or my Darl) decides that we will do the trip to Red Bluff, only 60kms away, on the Suzi.  The dirt road is not that bad if it's like the 8kms we did to get to Quobba Homestead.  Off we go, packed lunch, curried egg and lettuce sangas today, wonder how they will travel over the corrugations.  These cliffs are very popular for fishermen.   I think serious fishermen, you gotta know what you are doing to fish off these rocks.  The road not too bad, UNTIL, the last 10kms, it is rocky, lumpy, sandy but we make it into Red Bluff, it is really quite spectacular, sometimes the photos don't do justice.

One of the attractions at Red Bluff is the caves at the end of the bay.   We have to report to reception and they advise not to hang around in there as the cave is very unstable due to the last rains they had.   It is pretty awesome walking around there though seeing all the shells, marine life fossilised into the cliffs, don't worry we didn't hang around in there too long.  The wind is blowing and the flies!   I have never ever seen so many flies and they loved us to bits.

We went for a walk out to the point of the bluff.  This is a popular place for surfies.  So much so that there is a number of surf boards hidden in the rocks and some wet suits.  I guess that is so they don't have to cart them back and forth.  There is a lone surfer out there when we are out there, he catches a few waves.     There is an eco-retreat here, with options of beach huts, luxury retreats or camping - vans, tents etc.    Fishing, swimming, surfing, relaxing all options to enjoy your stay here.  We could have climbed to the top of the bluff but the receptionist said there were heaps of snakes about at the moment.

We opt to go for a swim instead or attempted to.  We looked at the surf for a bit, me ready with my kick board, but we decide it is way too rough and deep for me, but my darl goes in for a dump or two.  I still manage to get sand in my cozzies in the shallows.   We had lunch and the sangas travelled pretty well considering.   We took this pic just before we set off back to our camp at Quobba, yeah I just realised that the tripod must have been a bit wonky, that was the 2nd attempt as the 1st the camera got blown over with the wind, nice pic of the sky. 

Not far from leaving Red Bluff, we took a tumble off the Suzi into the sand again, this time to the right.  Darl not too worried, no injuries to report and now the handle bars are even.   It is so nice to get back to the homestead.   A number of campers have rocked in for the night, a bus, a van, 2 whizz bangs and 2 troopies.  We went for a bit of a wander round the homestead, up to the windmill and old water tank made of sandstone bricks and water trough.   There are a lot of animal tracks around in the sand, roos, rabbits, probably foxes.  We enjoy our stay here, but it will be nice to get back to Carnarvon and clean the sand blown car, bike and tent.

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