Wednesday 16 November 2011

12th Nov - Coral Bay - Minilya

We are checking out in good time this morning, the incentive of a $30 key bond refund works wonders.  We call in to Coral Bay, a resort town at the bottom of the Ningaloo National Marine Park.  A nice calm bay ideal for snorkelling, well I just had to give it a go, pretty little thang! Muffin tops are in you know. After a couple of goes gagging, I nearly threw in the towel, but persisted some more and once I got the breathing down pat (it helps) I was off, though Darl didn't allow me to go too far out of his sight.  PS note the noodle is close by.

We decide not to stay here and continue on to Minilya Creek free camp.  In the Camps 6 it shows as a day stop only, but it is actually an overnight camp.  Huge area, lots of bins, BBQ's, tables etc.  We set up by the river banks under some nice gum trees and go for a walk along the river bed.  Huge river gums here, must be hundreds years old.  Also a colony of corella's live here in the trees.  So many birds that we notice a bit of corella road kill, those trucks don't stop for anyone or anything!

 There is a road house on the other side of the bridge and we take the treddlies up to see if the bar is open, but there is no bar, so we checked out the machinery and treddled back to camp.  A few other campers rock in, 2 vans, 2 whizz bangs.  We thought the corellas on the other side of the river, but no, they start coming in to roost for the night and they are awfully close to our camp, a bit too close, but we are just out of the drop zone.
 We cook inside the tent as it is blowing a gale outside.   Note we have all the essentials, the light, the cooker, the wine glass and the beer cooler.   We got the annex in each corner for stability as we are anchored down by rocks again tonight.    In the morning there is no pressure to get out by 10am so we take our time having brekky, packing up.    We're off to Quobba Station today for a couple of nights.
We got the tip that fuel is expensive between Exmouth and Carnarvon so the jerry cans come in handy for a refuel along the way.   

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