Monday 10 October 2011

6th to 9th Oct - Broome

 Check this out girls!   This is the World's Largest Fine Quality Round Pearl, grown at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm.  It is 22.24mm diameter and 15.75 grams.  Apparently it is the real deal as the owners took it on a trip around the world to verify it was actually the largest of it's kind.  It is priceless - asked about the security when travelling - no problems they just packed in their luggage.  You gotta wonder?
 These few days we have just been taking it easy in Broome, not doing too much.  We did get out to the RSL on Friday night, 2kms from camp, we rode the treddlies down, in the dark, no street lights, just my Darl's torch cutting the way.  They had a band on, playing 70's/80's and we got game and had a few dances.    The other patrons actually clapped and cheered us off, I think they had had a few drinks.  We haven't really danced since leaving home, so we are a bit rusty. 
 One arvo, we went over to Cable Beach to check the sunset over the Indian Ocean.  I merrily snapped away.   We went for a stroll down the beach and come across a number of 4WD's set up with the table, chairs, drinks etc., to watch the sunset.   We also found the camels!   There were 3 groups, the red, the blue and the ugly (nah it was yellow actually).  I've done the camel thing before up the Todd River in Alice, but my Darl is not keen, reckons they are horrible, spit and hiss at you.....that one is off the list.
My Darl is frequenting our "local" (Beer and Satay Hut) a little this week-end watching the V8's battle it out at Bathurst.  I continue to be amazed at the little hermit crabs, the beach is crawling with them.   The local has Crab races every Sunday night, so we venture down for a dabble and look.  8 crabs per race $2 per ticket, they draw 8 numbers out and if you lucky get a crab in the race.   They have 1st and 2nd prizes from $45 to $90 and all money raised goes to local charities. It draws a bit of a crowd.

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