Sunday 2 October 2011

30th Sept - Broome

As per usual my Darl is making all the friends.  Though we are keeping the seagulls at arms length.  We're enjoying kicking back, relaxing by the water.   We wander down for a swim on high tide every day.    We've seen turtles swim by our front door!   Though the neighbours did say they saw a huge white sea snake swim by one day and we think the rangers were out croc spotting in the mangroves the other day.
Broome jetty, they get a lot of cruise vessels.  There is navy ships, cruisers, tugs, yachts all sorts in the bay.  The weather is great, fine, breezy and not too hot.   We've had a look at Chinatown this is where all the Pearl shops are.   We had a look at Luggers Pearl shop and museum.  All very interesting.   

Pearls pearls everywhere, shops, markets, souvenir shops. My Darl had a go at a diver's helmet, get a feel for that diver thing. I had a go but my head didn't fit!!                                       We went for a drive over to Cable Beach, yep this is where all the tourists are, umbrellas, sunbeds, surfs up, just like the Gold Coast.   We go for a bit of a dip in the Indian Ocean and after a few dumpings hanging onto Darl, I didn't know whether to hang on to my cozzie or hang on to the sunnies.........I lost the sunnies, saved the cozzie!   I come to conclusion I don't like the surf, much prefer the calmness of our little bay.

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