Monday 3 October 2011

1st Oct - Broome

Up at sparrow fart again, to walk out from our camp spot to view the Catalina Flying Boat Wrecks.  These are the original wrecks that were bombed by the Japanese Navy Aircraft in March 1942.  They can only be viewed at low tides lkess than 0.86m and these are in Roebuck Bay straight out from our camp. It's takes 1 hour to walk out there, that's the exercise for the day.

There are three wreck sites, above is the main one, with two other smaller sites. As you can see there is not too much left now after all these years.    My Darl standing at the propellor one. 

The walk out was interesting in itself, we come across all forms of little sea creatures in the shallows, this little fellow you can just see his tracks, was scurrying across the sand.    After brekky we went to the Courthouse markets, very nice, lots of local craft, clothes stalls.    Pearls, boabs and dragonflies feature.   It's AFL Grand Final day today, so we head down to the local Beer and Satay hut to watch the game.   Darl happy as he is backing Geelong and enjoys giving the local Collingwood supporters some stick.

One arvo we went for a walk just around the corner of our bay, heading out to the port.  I was amazed at all the little and some big hermit crabs crawling over the sand.  On a closer look, the sand is just full of crab tracks, you can even hear them between the rocks.   Darl not so amazed as he has seen before.  On our walk we pass a group of locals enjoying a kangaroo tail barby on the beach.  Friendly enough though, had a bit of a chat in passing.

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