Wednesday 12 October 2011

10th-11th Oct - Broome Broome

 Monday we put the car in to get fixed, it will take two weeks.  Lucky we have the motorbike and our pushies and Broome is not so big, we are not stranded.   Monday night we try the rock n roll dance classes again and this time the teachers are a show.  Turns out last week they were out rescuing some friends who had sunk their boat, took 2 days to retrieve.  It's only a small class, the teachers, us and two other women, but we learn a new dance sequence, rock n roll switch and a couple new moves.  Work up a real sweat!
 When in Broome with a couple of weeks to kill, go exploring!   We jump on the Suzi and take a ride over to Cable Beach to find the 4 metre hand carved crystal Buddha, set amidst an ornamental garden with meditation deck.  We didn't do any meditating, just a look.  Mel was a bit perplexed that it wasn't a fat happy budha rubbing his tummy.    We contemplate a swim at Cable Beach, I just took one look at the surf and nah, let's go over to Gantheaume Point to have a look at the blow holes, now the tide is higher.
 My Darl has a way of putting his Ling's heart in her mouth, as he rode up to the cliff edge and then set off, hopping over the cliffs around the edge of the blow hole for a snap.   You'd think I would be used to it by now.   Then he climbed down the blow hole, lucky the tide was not as high as we were expecting.
 No blows in the holes, but we caught this blow on the edge of the blow holes......

 We went back over to the site of the dinosaur tracks in search of Anastasia's Pool, a small pool carved in the rocks for a former lighthouse keeper's arthritic wife.   Over the edge of that cliff is where the dinosaur prints are, accessible only at low tide.    The coast line around here looks very different at high tide, a lot nicer we think.
Big Boabs (nuts) Darl!   Yep we got sucked in again, actually we think we got a bargain, these cost $80 in total.  You would probably only get one for $90 in the shops of this size and not as nice detail.   Old mates come around to the camp selling the bigger one, the smaller one we got from Wyndham.   The neighbours retreated to their tent, the old mates walked passed their tent, next thing the neighbours come out now missing a packet of cigarettes, you gotta be quick.

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