Sunday 2 October 2011

29th Sept - Horizontal Falls

                                                                                                                                                             . Yep up at sparrow fart to be collected at 5.40am to meet the Caravan (float plane) at the airport. Funny it's a sea plane but we are taking off from land. We travel north east over King Sound and the ranges of the west Kimberleys to land at the pontoon in Talbot Bay. Another hazy day so the viewing not so good on the trip out.     
                                                                                                                                                         There is two bodies of water (lakes) which rise and fall with the tidal flows. The waterfalls occur as the tides recede. The Bay is absolutely beautiful and the view of the horizontal waterfalls spectacular.  

We land at the pontoon in Talbot Bay, the base for the high speed boat tour of the falls.  Well set up with a croc/shark cage for swims.  They throw life jackets on us and off we go through the first of the falls and up to the 2nd, by this time my heart is racing and I am shakin' but thoroughly enjoying and Darl was pumped.  At this stage we are sitting in the "waterfall" looking at a 2 metre wall of water.  Adrian (the driver) tells us we are not going through now, as it is far too dangerous - I breathe a sigh of relief.

Happy Birthday Darl!    Though he is a little deflated at not taking the 2 metre water fall, he is not too sad.    We go back to the pontoon for a break, swim, breakfast.

One of the lads feeds their pets, they have 20 odd sharks in the bay which they feed from time to time.  Three sharks come up to have a chew on the fish carcass and of course before too long my Darl is having a go.   Happy to report he kept all his fingers.  One of the workers not so lucky couple weeks ago.  Shark took hold of a couple of fingers and gave them a good shake, several hours of micro surgery later, he does still have his fingers, but one is still numb.....
After a full breakfast (cereal, bacon, eggs) we take a more sedate cruise down through Cyclone Creek where 3 of the staff live in this shed/shack.  They actually rode out a Category 3 cyclone here earlier this year, to the sounds of AC/DC Thunderstruck, not by choice and happily reported only losing a couple sheets iron.  Adrian has worked here for 7 years and has an array of marine life as his "pets".
He took us for a feeding of the moon fish.  It was a feeding frenzy then he plucks one out of the water for a feed and a pat!   Adrian says gotta keep an eye out for crocs/sharks when feeding the fish, once a hammerhead come out of the blue and snapped a moon fish in half.  From here it was back to go through the falls aat high speed and what an awesome ride, I would have to say it was even better than the Shot Over jet boat ride we did in NZ.
Darl gets a real treat and sits besides the pilot on the 1 1/2 hour flight back to Broome over the Buccaneer Archipelago islands and Cape Leveque, then along the coast line.   He has a good ol chat to the pilot along the way.
View of Cape Leveque.    We are back by lunch time, so as it's Darl's birthday I take him for a bit of sight seeing around Broome and a couple clensers. At one bar we stumbled across (Roey) they had the lingerie barmaids happenin'.  Bonus for him.   We were looking for a place to have a steak, not sure where to go we decide to try the Beer and Satay Hut, apparently famous in it's day, but they don't do satays there now.  It's only about 20 metres from the van park we are staying, bit run down, obviously a local workers pub, still smoking at the bar!   But the steaks were great.

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