Tuesday 25 October 2011

21st - 25th Oct - Last Days Broome

                                                                                                                                                                 Couple days after the trip to Cape Leveque, we have recovered and so has the poor old Suzuki. What a legend, turns out she guzzled all the gear box oil, Darl topped it up and next day she was good as gold, 5 gears back. Darl did a full service on the bike and she has been resting up for the past few days.......until next trip.

We were enjoying our daily swims until this chap was pulled ashore.  One morning a lone fisherman in the water up to waist, happily fishing away, spotted a bit of a fin and went over for closer look, reports say he jumped about a foot out of the water when he realised it was a shark, not a small one either.   Then thankfully, he realised it was already dead.    Looked like it had been shot or speared.   The authorities come and took the carcass away.    Needless to say we were a bit hesitant to go swimming after that.
Without the car for a couple weeks, we have been on the treddlies getting around, getting some exercise to boot.    We visited the old St John of God Convent, built in 1926.   They have a permanent exhibition consisting of 8 galleries depicting conditions, activities, works, people helped over the years, a lot of great work has been done by the Sisters of St John of God.  This slab believe it or not is the site and the size of the first home in Broome of the Sisters of St John of God.  I hope there was only one living there at the time..
We ventured out another day in search of some watermelon and rockmelon seeds for my dad!  He's having trouble getting them in Qld.  We went round in circles for a bit trying to find Bunnings, just about to give up and asked a nice person driving by, we were on the right road, just a little further down.   Then we treddled over to seek some comfort at the shopping centre and come across the Chinese and Japanese (right) cemetries.  There are 707 graves here (919 people, some have doubled up). There were a number died during cyclones 1887 and 1935 and of course others due to drowning and divers paralysis.
Have wheels, will travel!!!  Picked up the car this arvo.    We have enjoyed our stay in Broome, it's a nice little beach side town.    We will miss "our bay"  and all the goings all that have kept us entertained each day.  Have met some great people here, Ash and Nina (our long term neighbours of 3 weeks), Liz and Ross from Adelaide and Pat and Brian from Castlemaine, Vic.    Brian used to come here in the 70's, when the streets were dirt, people used to sit under the trees playing their mandolins and the luggers used to still dock at Streeter's jetty, nothing ever stays the same.............

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