Sunday 14 August 2011


We took off on the pushies for a self guided tour around Cooktown, it ain't that big and made some new friends along the way, here's Mel with his new mate James.

Me with Mick the miner, he was here a few years back earning a living mining tin.  As you can see the weather is pretty magic, but the nights and mornings are now getting cooler, might have to actually get a jumper out.

Me and 3 "Chinamen" and one child....
Darl getting ready for some action.  They have a great display at the RSL and also a sub branch across the road, lots of wartime memorabilia from old and modern day wars.
View from Grassy Hill, Lookout - we were told was the place to be for the sunsets.   We are getting back to civilistion.   The Cooktown Orchid Caravan Park is full of Winnebago's, motorhomes and caravans, something you don't see any of up the cape, though there are a few adventurous ones that have taken their caravans up the top, I mean 25 footers, what the??  A couple of nice looking resorts and restaurants around here.  

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