Sunday 7 August 2011

Last Day at Loyalty

Sunday, 7th August - had a bit of a vege morning, then went for a putter on the Suzi in search of some old WWII plane crash sites, there is a few around here.   We found two, a DC3 and the other we are not sure if it was a Kitty Hawk or Beaufort, according to the map these two should not be far from each other but we only found one.    We are finding that they aren't really geared up for tourists up here as there is next to no signage or information to help us out.    If you got on a wrong track, one could quite easily get lost out there.      We knew we found the DC3 as this site was fenced with a memorial.    The other wreckage site was not fenced off and had no memorial.    In the surrounding bush there were hundreds rusted fuel drums, obviously left from that era also. 

The Beaufort or Kittyhawk

The DC3

Tomorrow we hit the track back down to civilisation, we've prepacked tonight so we can make a quick getaway, that'll probably be the only thing quick about our trip back to Cooktown.  We look like taking 4-5 days to do this leg and I don't expect too much internet service. 

One fellow happy camper offered to take a photo of "you and the old girl" - he was obviously talking about the bike!

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