Thursday 18 August 2011

14th August - Rocky Creek to Georgetown

We have had a problem since leaving Musgrave station the "Check Engine" light keeps flashing on/off.    Darl disconnected the battery before leaving Rocky Creek to see if fixed the problem, but no luck.   We also keep blowing brake light fuses.  Could this be the result of the last few weeks travelling the Cape roads we wonder???   Today we left Rocky Creek 11.30am yep slow start, old mate neighbours take a liking to chatting with Darl, that's okay.   We take a leisurely drive via Atherton, Ravenshoe and Mt Surprise to our stop at Georgetown.
We had a quick stop off at Windy Hill above, lucky it was only a quick one as it was very windy and chilly there.  On the way we have our first encounters with the road trains, which we have heard so much about, you gotta get off the road completely for these guys when you meet them on the single lane bitumen sections.  Yep we got that.   This was our first one, from behind and he politely indicated we could overtake which we did thankfully and without any drama.  I wish I could say the same about our next encounter.  We met this one oncoming!
I thought my Darl is going to slow down and get off the road totally any minute now....  Yep he did it was not so slow, and also there was about a one foot drop off from the roads edge and a guide post fast approaching!   I could see my Darl struggling with the wheel, I didn't dare look to see where the trailer was heading, anyway Darl yet again pulled it off and got us back on the road safely!!  We pulled up at Georgetown this lovely little camp spot, $15 a night bargain, nice facilities.   Went for a bicycle ride around town, I almost got attacked by a ferocious dog of the bully kind, but Darl saved the day with his shouting and swearing and the owner appeared to call the dog apology, they probably do that to all the tourists.    We received some tips from fellow travellers that the operater at the BP here in Georgetown not too friendly towards tourists, so we did all our business with the Ampol....  An interesting and eventful day, but we survived to tell the tales.

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