Saturday 10 December 2011

8th Dec - Pinnacles and Sights

You never know what to really expect when visiting some places for the first time, but the Pinnacles did not disappoint us.  It is an amazing spectacle.   We did the 1.5km walk through the pinnacles, then we did the 4km drive through.  The drive does not close so you are able to do at sunrise and sunset.  At these times there's more chance of seeing some of the native life.  We did spot a couple of galahs, nesting on one of the pinnacles, that was a bargain.  As with all National Parks we have come across an entry fee applies, $11 per car.
I knew early on in the peace that my Darl liked to get back to nature on occasions...... and this was one of them, he did a little "tip toe throught the Pinnacles".   The Pinnacles are truly amazing, the more you look, the more you see the different colours, sizes, shapes.  They range in size up to 5 metres tall and 2 metres thick at the base.
On this occasion I am not as daring as my Darl, chosing to keep my gear on.... There are thousands of limestone pinnacles in this desert.  They were formed thousands of years ago when ancient plant roots formed a weak cemenation of calcite within the dunes and have been exposed by wind and shifting sands.
Colours of gold and purple in these pinnacles.
The road way through the pinnacles is quite narrow in spots.

We are a little amused back towards Cervantes the touriest information board is a little blank and transparent.  Lucky they have a tourist info service in town at the local store, post office which is a bit more informative.

On the way back to town from the pinnacles we stop via Lake Thetis, this is the 2nd site we have seen stromatolites (last Hamelin Pool and way better display).  Apparently there is only 4 known sites where stromatolites are found.  We did the walk around the lake 1.5 kms, bit windy but fine day.

A little further down the road is Hansen Bay Lookout, 360 deg views from bush to bay, town, sand dunes, lake.  This view looking back towards the township.   We decided to walk down the other side of the lookout over to the beach, however found that walking along the track would eventually lead us back to town.  That would be  no good, as the ute is at the lookout car park, so we returned the way we come.
Back in town we met Jason the Canadian on a bit of a journey with his 3 wheeler bicycle.  The 3rd wheel acting as a "trailer".  Jason does 150 - 200kms per day and can carry up to 7 to 8 litres of water, which one would need on such big rides.  He is one fit dude!  Maybe we can look into doing that for our next adventure.......or maybe not!

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