Saturday 17 December 2011

10th Dec - Toodyay (pron Toojay)

En route to Toodyay, we pass through hay country, this time the bales are quite large, it reminds me of the Pinnacles, hay bales as far as the eye can see.   Toodyay is a quaint little historical town, the main street is full of 19th century buildings.   We booked into the van park by the Avon river, a nice camp and set off on the river side track on our pushies to explore the town.  A lot of the shops now have crafts, local produce, antiques etc.  We're a little over goals, museums so decide just to take a stroll down the street.
Now here's something different, the Coca Cola cafe and museum.  The collection was started nearly 60 years ago and now boasts over 6,000 items.  It is free to visit the museum, being incorporated into the cafe.  It has everything imagineable, from signs, to cups, clocks, keyrings, water containers, coke machines, coke bottles, cans etc.   This place looks like a popular spot for bikers to come for rides up from Perth, it is only an hour from the city.

Phone home Darl!  You don't see too many phone boxes like this around these days.  Note the cop shop in the background, all decorated up for the festive season.  We got chatting to the lady at the haberdashery shop, she said things went very quiet for the town after the 2009 fires, but things are slowly picking up again now.  Even though the fire didn't affect the town, only the surrounds, people just seem to stay away.

Toodyay old Post Office building, now houses Bee Happy Honey and crafts, art works etc.  The new PO at the new IGA shopping centre.   It is a pretty long main street as we soon figure out, as we left the pushies at the Coca Cola cafe and kept walking and walking, didn't quite make it out to the Emporium, probably good job as it wouldv'e been shut.  We did however manage a drink at each of the 3 town pubs.   The Toodyay Tavern, the Victoria Hotel and the Freemasons pub.

Toodyay memorial hall, if you get caught short, this is the spot to go, inside facilities for visitors.

The grand Freemasons pub, we always enjoy a drink with the locals, it's where you find out most about the place.   They're not having much luck with their wheat crops here.  They've had too much rain.    This time of year is generally the dry season in this area.

This is the track between camp and town, a narrow little track through the bush with a few little surprises of steps, steep drop offs and a couple of dips..... I managed okay going into town, but on the homeward run I misjudged a dip and toppled off, much to Darl's amusement!  Pleased to report no injuries or bruises this time...
Our camp by the Avon river, just see through the trees, we were the only ones in this row, yet again we spread out and make ourselves at home, could stay here for a few nights, but we are booked in at Perth so it's only an overnighter here.  Check this Darl is actually cooking a barby!!  Yep that's probably twice since we left home.....but I can't complain, he does all the driving and loves it!
We're getting a few dollars worth of stickers on the trailer, won't be long we will have the back covered.    Off to the big smoke tomorrow, we have mixed feelings about this.   Freaking a bit about hitting the traffic, I am really going to have to concentrate now with my navigating....

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