Monday 19 December 2011

18th Dec - Fremantle

We decide to take a trip to Fremantle today.   The World Championship Sailing competition is on, this will decide who competes in next year's Olympics.  Week-end markets are also on from Friday to Sunday.  We set off to catch the bus and the train, gee this is so different to where we have been.  Though we can honestly say we are not "city" people, we are enjoying Perth.
Darl on train

Ling on bus
Fremantle streets are lined with awesome heritage buildings, from pubs to government buildings to shops fashion, bookshops etc.  We disembark from the train and our fist stop is the markets at E shed on the wharf.  Typical arts, crafts, produce and al fresco dining.  I get in a long overdue massage.  After a look at the harbour we venture up to the Round House, built 1831, it's the oldest public building in WA.  Originally a local prison and site of the colony's first hanging.....eerie.  It is also the site of the Time bell and cannon.  The cannon fires off at 1pm every day which back in the early days they all used to set their time by, there is also a visual time ball, which drops on the firing of the cannon, for those who are deaf.....

Fremantle Harbour

P&O Building

Orient Pub, you think you in a different era


Looking up to the Round House
Other Fremantle attractions include Fremantle Prison, Maritime Museum, Shipwreck Galleries, Bathers Bay, trendy South Terrace abuzz with fashion houses and dining options.   The major attraction has been the sailing championships, we watched a ladies final (UK won) and caught the presentation of the men's sial board final - Netherlands, Poland, Croatia 1/2/3. 

UK Ladies cross the finish line

We were also given the tip for a good feed, Cicerello's renowned for the best fish and chips in WA.  Well we don't know bout that as we took a cut lunch with us today, but we went and had a look.  They have an awesome display of fish tanks, filled with all sorts from star fish to tropical fish, cat fish, little shark like fish, coral.....  Pics make up for the ones didn't turn out when we snorkelled at Abrolhos Is.    My Darl also had a step back in time, when we noticed a cop pulled up young motorbike rider, 750 GTS Suzuki - how embarrassing we thought as he pulled him up in front of a full cafe.  Next thing the Suzuki took off, on the opposite side road, through red lights, gees he will be in trouble if the copper catches him up......

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