Wednesday 21 December 2011

21st Dec - Scarborough Beach

We had a reasonably quiet day today, the last few have been pretty full on.   We decided to take the pushies down to the beach and cruise part of the approx 50kms bike track.    It was just a little bit stressy getting there, I had to hone in on my navigation skills and my Darl had to concentrate on the traffic instead of looking around.    A bit of a scenic diversion but we got there in the end. 

Trigg Beach closed due to shark sighting
There is several beaches along this stretch of coast, we started at Scarborough and rode north up to Hillary's harbour.  Along the way we heard the sirens go off and yet again the beach was closed due to shark sightings.  Funny thing, the next beach along people were swimming/surfing beach still open, they're all crazy!

Hillary's harbour wall, we are good and wear our helmets now
A nice big boat harbour at Hillarys, lots and lots of dollars moored up here.  All up a 2 hour bike ride and it wasn't all flat either.   Bit breezy by the coast, brought back some recent memories, don't miss camping in the wind.   Perth all in all a lovely city, we've enjoyed our time here and we're packin up and movin on tomorrow.......  A small bit of trivia, Perth happens to be the most isolated city in the world!

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