Tuesday 6 December 2011

3rd - 4th Dec Ellendale Pool

We’re out of Geraldton today and not quite sure where we will end up.  As it turned out not very far we did 65kms to get to Ellendale Pool which if going direct is 44kms from Geraldton, we took the scenic route.  A nice cruisy day we stopped off first to take a pic of the famous horizontal trunk of a Red River Gum on the side of the Brand highway. Now we really know it’s the wind that does it. 

Then on to Greenough Historic Settlement where we had some fun in the old school house, it brought back some fond memories for my Darl…  Other buildings included the store, Police Station and Gaol, churches, convent, cottages etc.

The friendly resident Alpacas
Oh yeah Darl, ring my bell!!

All buildings kept neat and well preserved
We did a little pub crawl, Hampton Arms Inn first stop another historic old pub, built in 1863, if only the walls could talk.   The Inn also incorporates Hampton Books, over 30,000 rare and out of print books which would be haven for any book worm.  We asked by barmaid was Ellendale Pool worth a look, she said absolutely, so we made that our destination for the day.  Our friends Bill and Lyn had already planned to stop there so we will have some good company too. 

Before we got there we drove through Walkaway and we just had to stop at Walkaway Tavern for another coldie.   We passed the Alinta Wind Farm, the largest in WA with 54 turbines, the blades are 41 metres long alone, so it is a sight to behold.  

We got to Ellendale Pool finally by mid afternoon.    What a top little spot.  $5 a night per car and they have FLUSH toilets!  And an outdoor shower.    We go for a bit of a walk, push bike ride and swim, relax and enjoy the scenery and of course catch up with Lyn and Bill for happy hour.   Weather is a little hot, bit windy (not too bad) and a few flies, we can handle this.
Note the pegs holding the tent down! We are improvising.

Ah, by the pool, on our 6th anniversary....

I put my collection of casks to good use, air bags!

Pillows........LLD in the arvo. I know we get bored.

Happy hour with Lyn and Bill, don't mind the flies.....
Ellendale Pool, beautiful spot and great facilities.

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