Wednesday 21 December 2011

21st Dec - Scarborough Beach

We had a reasonably quiet day today, the last few have been pretty full on.   We decided to take the pushies down to the beach and cruise part of the approx 50kms bike track.    It was just a little bit stressy getting there, I had to hone in on my navigation skills and my Darl had to concentrate on the traffic instead of looking around.    A bit of a scenic diversion but we got there in the end. 

Trigg Beach closed due to shark sighting
There is several beaches along this stretch of coast, we started at Scarborough and rode north up to Hillary's harbour.  Along the way we heard the sirens go off and yet again the beach was closed due to shark sightings.  Funny thing, the next beach along people were swimming/surfing beach still open, they're all crazy!

Hillary's harbour wall, we are good and wear our helmets now
A nice big boat harbour at Hillarys, lots and lots of dollars moored up here.  All up a 2 hour bike ride and it wasn't all flat either.   Bit breezy by the coast, brought back some recent memories, don't miss camping in the wind.   Perth all in all a lovely city, we've enjoyed our time here and we're packin up and movin on tomorrow.......  A small bit of trivia, Perth happens to be the most isolated city in the world!

20th Dec - Swan Valley Wine Trail

Today, it's all about me!!  My Darl is the designated driver and I am the wine taster.   We set off to Guildford the gateway to the Swan Valley wine trail.  After visiting the info centre at Guildford we decided to take one of the 4 walking heritage trails on offer.  The Captain Stirling Walk 2250 metres, meandering through the leafy, quiet streets of Guildford, past the Rose and Crown Hotel (built in 1841, oldest operating hotel in WA and most expensive $19 beer and CC!), Padburys store, Guildford Grammer School, Chapel and cemetery plus more.

Padbury Store
This was interesting story of young boy come out with his father back in the mid 1800's.  His dad died after 1 year, leaving this chap a 10 year old orphan, but from their Walter Padbury worked and built his little empire.  Starting out as a shepherd to save for a house and ending up owning several stores, considerable rurual and pastoral real estate and a small fleet of sailing ships.  And he become the first Mayor of Guildford.
The Chapel and cemetry in the Guilford Grammar school grounds
First stop on the wine trail was the Sandalford Winery, a very modern establishment, a bit like the Sirromet winery of Mt Cotton.   The walls are lined with posters of artists who have performed over the years "Day on the Green" from Marcia, to Sting, Tom Jones, Michael Buble, John Mellancamp and heaps others, Seal is booked for Feb next year.

Yep, this is Ling country!

My first tasting for the day and looking tidy!

One tasting and I was off frolicking in the vines........
From Sandalford to Lancaster (aka the Tasting Shed), Little River Winery, Black Swan - bite of lunch by the side of the road.  Then onto Edgecombe Brothers where I did all the damage.....   Young Lewis was a gun, I think the tub of ice cream with the muscatel got me!   Yummo!  16 bottles wine later (incl 4 freebies), thanks for coming!  That's my stash for Xmas/New Year and beyond done....

Ling looking happy and Lewis is too just quietly.....

After Twin Hills (Darl got his 2 ltr port plus chilli marinated feta), family owned and run for over 70 years,  Darl decided it was time to call it a day, I was having so much fun!  But one last stop well worth doing was to Houghtons (175 yrs old)  

No my Darl is not holding me up/steady.......ok maybe just a little
Check the booty, yep my Darl was happy with his $15 2 litre bottle of port, apparently you can't call it that anymore.  The Portugals don't like it!  So it is fortified shiraz or whatever else they think to call it.  Swan Valley Wine and Food trail is a must not only wine but cheeses, olives, honey, arts/crafts, micro brewerys, coffee, nougat, lavender all on offer and it is so close to city, just a 5 minute drive from where we are staying......

19th Dec - Cruising the Swan

We were comtemplating what to do today, we only have a few days left in Perth and we want to make the most of this time.  We decide on a leisurely cruise down the Swan to Fremantle.  $25 one way, $35 return or $59 return including lunch and free wine/beer.    We decide to treat ourselves with the lunch cruise, what a great day!
Waterside from Ferry terminal looking up to Kings Park

The Bell Tower, $13 pp for tour, we didn't do

Good view of the old Swan Brewery, bet the employees didn't like having to move from this spot

Perth Yacht club, one of 14 clubs, mariners along the river
It is a 2 1/2 hour cruise with smorgasbord lunch - prawns, cold meat, nice salads, bread rolls and a couple of hot dishes.  Great value...    Along the way the skipper gives a running commentary of this beautiful river and points out some of the more prestigious homes along the way and where some of the mega rich and famous live.   The river is 300 kms long, 4.5km wide at the widest point and average 3.5 metres deep, we look at each other and think Brisbane River????  That's not a river, THIS is a river!!
If you have a lazy $27 mill lying about, this house could by yours, up for sale!

Looking back towards the city

All the orange roofs same property, some mining magnate value around $ 57 mill poor sod!

Enjoying a Swan on the Swan, note the poor peasants above
The Endeavour visiting Fremantle

When we get back to Perth we are feeling pretty happy, had a great day out on the river, how awesome is this city.   What a great way to spend a Monday, weather perfect, drinks went down nicely and we soaked it all up!   We had to go into the mall to collect our mail that is 7 days late arriving.... We had a little fun along the way.
The flower beds Xmas colours, aaahhh!

Three little gum nut babies in the garden,  aaahhh!

Darl nearly did himself an injury climbing up here!
Gees Darl, they breed 'em big over here!!

I don't know what come over my Darl, but he had to give it a go!!

Monday 19 December 2011

18th Dec - Fremantle

We decide to take a trip to Fremantle today.   The World Championship Sailing competition is on, this will decide who competes in next year's Olympics.  Week-end markets are also on from Friday to Sunday.  We set off to catch the bus and the train, gee this is so different to where we have been.  Though we can honestly say we are not "city" people, we are enjoying Perth.
Darl on train

Ling on bus
Fremantle streets are lined with awesome heritage buildings, from pubs to government buildings to shops fashion, bookshops etc.  We disembark from the train and our fist stop is the markets at E shed on the wharf.  Typical arts, crafts, produce and al fresco dining.  I get in a long overdue massage.  After a look at the harbour we venture up to the Round House, built 1831, it's the oldest public building in WA.  Originally a local prison and site of the colony's first hanging.....eerie.  It is also the site of the Time bell and cannon.  The cannon fires off at 1pm every day which back in the early days they all used to set their time by, there is also a visual time ball, which drops on the firing of the cannon, for those who are deaf.....

Fremantle Harbour

P&O Building

Orient Pub, you think you in a different era


Looking up to the Round House
Other Fremantle attractions include Fremantle Prison, Maritime Museum, Shipwreck Galleries, Bathers Bay, trendy South Terrace abuzz with fashion houses and dining options.   The major attraction has been the sailing championships, we watched a ladies final (UK won) and caught the presentation of the men's sial board final - Netherlands, Poland, Croatia 1/2/3. 

UK Ladies cross the finish line

We were also given the tip for a good feed, Cicerello's renowned for the best fish and chips in WA.  Well we don't know bout that as we took a cut lunch with us today, but we went and had a look.  They have an awesome display of fish tanks, filled with all sorts from star fish to tropical fish, cat fish, little shark like fish, coral.....  Pics make up for the ones didn't turn out when we snorkelled at Abrolhos Is.    My Darl also had a step back in time, when we noticed a cop pulled up young motorbike rider, 750 GTS Suzuki - how embarrassing we thought as he pulled him up in front of a full cafe.  Next thing the Suzuki took off, on the opposite side road, through red lights, gees he will be in trouble if the copper catches him up......

Sunday 18 December 2011

11th to 17th Dec - Perth

Well, I look in my diary for the week and I have no notes, sometimes when on holiday time just gets away from you.  All's I know is that week went pretty quickly.   We arrived on Sunday without too much drama to find the Central Caravan Park.  We had booked ahead and here for 11 nights.  I decided on Central cause it was a Top Tourist which we are members and get a 10% discount, it all looked nice and new and glossy on the brochure I picked up, it just isn't quite like I expected.  A small van park, but pretty comfortable and we set up our camp, annex and all on a double slab site a first for us, it will be okay.  No trains close by, but the bus stops right on the Great Eastern Highway a 5 minute walk away.  We went for a bit of a "famile" on our pushies, the bikeways along the river go right into the city and beyond!   We past the Ascot Racecourse, Darl got attacked by a Maggie!
Ascot Racecourse by the River
We went into the city by bus on Monday, had to put the camera in to get fixed as the lens was quite dirty and scratched, spots appearing on the photos and that will just not do.  Managed to find a fix it man quite easily, asked if we wanted back by Xmas!!   Ah well, yesterday would be better, anyway after a chat and some gentle persuasion he said we could have back by Thursday.   A couple days without a camera, that will be hard.    So happens my brother Graham is in town for work so we meet up and have a few drinks and dinner back at the Irish pub near the Casino and meet also a few of his work associates, all in all a great outing and great to catch up with big brother.  We left the pub to be confronted with a storm and heavy downpour, gees we hope the annex held up.   It did just and no leaks in the tent that we sometimes get so that was a bonus.  Apparently it is not the season for rain/storms in Perth, Summer is usually pretty dry and hot over here.   The double slab worked a treat also, no mud.
London Court, camera fixed here

Haven't worked this one out entrance one of the malls
As the annex tends to fill with water, we set off in search of a BCF or camping store on Tuesday.  Head for Midland we were told, so off we set - my navigation skills haven't waned much, only one wrong move and we got there without too much effort or getting lost.  We got the poles, bargain!  We also put our underwater disposable camera in to get developed at Big W down the road, so went back to collect those today, but they didn't turn out all that well, ah well we still got the memories.  Our friends Ian and Alana arrived on Monday, so we have some happy hours coming up.
City view from King's Park
Wednesday, what to do today??  Well they do have some great bike tracks around this city and in the main they are all flat, so we decide to make a day of peddling into the city.   The tracks are well signed, one we come across said Perth city 14.9 kms, okey dokey we can do that.   It was a long interesting ride, we went by the Tennis Club, the one with the grass courts, very swish, the bowls club, the dragon boat club, a little historic house, the Police academy with horse stables n'all, a power station, old brick works, golf club, yes all this by the river.   Also, via a couple of riverside parks - we notice a lot of activity on and near the water, people fishing, boating, skiing even a dog obedience class, it all happens here.  Oh yeah and we pass the Ascot Racecourse right on the river.  The racecourse is surrounded by mansions with HUGE stables out the back and the droppings on the road are a dead give away that horses frequent the streets around here, the smell too is a dead give away....
Kangaroo Paw mural Kings' park
Still on Wednesday, we arrive in the city at Northbridge, this area has a lot of restaurants, clubs, pubs and we find out later that this area is known as the "Kings Cross" of Perth.  Had a good look around, a drink at the Mustang bar where we have been told is a good place to go dancing, bands on every night. Our first stop here was a deli that sells everything from tea, coffee, herbs, spices, flours, legumes, lollies, nuts, cheese, olives, pasta, sauces, you name it they had it all in those bulk bags sitting on the floor of the store, the aromas were unreal, not something you see in Brisbane.  From here we went for a look see up to Kings Park (yep up a hill) no camera so no photos, then we struggled to find our way back down to the city riverside to find our way home.  All in all a big day out (approx 40kms all up)and I might add a pretty tender rear end (for me) by the time we got back to our camp.....
Under the shade of the Coolibah tree, where's the cask?!
Thursday we catch the bus into town to have a look around the shops and hopefully pick up the camera, yes!  It's ready and I can merrily click away again, no spots!   I have taken a few photos on the phone over he last couple days but I haven't quite yet worked out how to get the things onto the computer...... I'll give it a go one day.     The camera repair man is in an arcade called London Court and you guessed it, you feel like you are in some little alley way in down town London, except for all the Aussie souvenir shops here.  We take a stroll through the malls (they have two here) and check out the buskers.  Always something happening.  There is also free bus services available within the city centre, CAT (Central Area Transit) .   Today we venture down to the Perth Mint in Hay street and take the tour ($13pp), just one of those things you have to see and something different to the museums and gaols we have been doing. No photos whatsoever are allowed inside the mint.  The gold pouring was good to see, they have Australia's largest display of natural gold nuggets including Normady nugget weighing 25.5kgs.  Also a gold bar to tease us with, in a glass cabinet with a hole you can stick your hand through to touch and/or pick up the bar, don't worry it bolted to the bottom with about 1 cm for movement and is valued approx $600 000.  But my Darl did give it a good go!!
Front of the Mint

Typical of camp site in "Gold Rush" days
From here we took the free bus back up town, hopped off and caught another free bus over to the bottom of King's Park, we have camera now so can take some pics.  Trouble is we have to walk up the side on a hill, 242 steps.   Not as bad as Ayers Rock..... They have a great Anzac memorial with great views of the city and river.   The Swan river is awesome and we discover that there is actually two rivers that join here, the Swan and the Avon(?).     We have a wander around through the Botanic gardens, went to do the sky walk but it just closed, time to go home.  Back down the 242 steps - Jacob's climb - it is plain to see that this staircase is used mainly by people doing their daily exercise, we were the only ones not in excercise gear, yep they even run up these steps, I am so unfit......
It's been a while since we seen a boab tree.....

Old Swan Brewery by the river, now apartments

Big Lord John Forest, first Premier of WA
Friday - We have another great day out with Ian and Alana.    Ian drives us into the city to King's Park and Botanic Gardens, we decide to do again as the park is so big and we want to do the elevated walkway, then the plan to go check out some of the northern beaches.  We arrive just in time to take the 10am free guided tour of the Botanic Gardens with Kim the volunteer.  It is a very informative walk and Kim knows his stuff.  Just how big is King's Park - all of 400 hectares worth, yep that's big!  Opened in 1965, only one third of the park has been developed but it filled with avenues, cycleways, paths into the surrounding bushlands. 

Anzac Memorial

Secret Women's business
 We are about probably 3-4 weeks late to see the park in full bloom during spring, however there is still plenty to see and in flower.  We leave here about 3pm, you can easily fill in a full day here.  We set off towards the beaches, end up in Fremantle and have a good cruise/look around.   Lots of old buildings, the old gaol here, alfresco dining, port.  Yachting championships on this week in lead up for the olympic games next year.  Back at the van park the owners putting on a Xmas party tonight, free tucker and entertainment and a visit from you guessed it, Santa.  They encouraged everyone to buy presents for partners, kids.  Well Ian, Alana, Mel and I were the only 4 adults in the crowd that participated and got our pressys from Santa all the others must have been BAD!   A great night, drinks and dancing. 
We had to do Rio Tinto Naturescape, kid's play park
DNA Tower 101+242 x2 total 686 steps in total in 2 days!!
An early start Saturday morning, a work associate and friend of mine over from Brisbane, Peter picks us up at 7am to take us sight seeing and for brekky.  Now Pete is a born and bred Perth boy, knows the place inside out and back to front......still managed to get a bit lost and side tracked, lucky he knew how to find himself again.   We went for a drive by the Fremantle port then worked our way along the coast up through Cottlesloe to Scarborough for breakfast by the beach.  The beach side of Perth is stunning, with bike tracks stretching some 50kms along the foreshore, looks like a days outing for Darl and me one day.  While enjoying brekky, sirens went off a few times over by the beach, we had to go and investigate after as we assumed it could only be a shark alert.  While we didn't see any fins out there, all the bathers were on the beach at the waters edge, no one was in the water, not even a pinky, so we guess we were right.   The more we see of Perth the more we like it.  
We can dream on, they come in red and black too!