Monday 4 June 2012

31st May - To Biggenden

So lucky we had a fine day yesterday for our sightseeing around Agnes/1770.  We managed to get packed up and left before any rain fell, though it was a very overcast day.   We wanted to go have a look at Bagara Beach out from Bundy, we didn't have to go back on the Bruce to Bundy from Agnes so that's a bonus.   The sky got increasingly darker, we decided to have lunch at the Bagara pub, they have great $10 lunch menu in the public bar.    Then it started to rain and didn't stop.       

Above Bagara Beach?   A little disappointed but maybe it's nicer around the other side, we didn't look around any further, decided to get going.  It was about this time we got a text from Leonie, they are on the road again headed  north to Hervey Bay for week-end, then beyond.   We are headed to Ban Ban Springs, no chance of talking my Darl into deviating from our plan this time, so bummer we miss catching up with Leonie and Killer, see you when you get home!  How scary, to be passed by a Richers truck which has a stark reminder for me of work, Hyne!   The company I work for, that's not nice. 

The weather not looking real flash at the moment, we had about 15 minutes back on the highway passed Apple Tree Creek, another spot I would like to stop one day, a little pub by what looks like a free camping spot.   Into Childers and we turn right towards Biggenden.  I took a drive by shot of this little shop, I suppose no chance of stopping Darl for a locally made Mammino Gourmet Ice Cream???  Nah!!   Major roadworks commencing soon just outside of Childers on the road to Biggenden.
Mmmm wonder what my chances are of convincing my Darl we really don't want to set up camp in the rain and a room would be great.... dry and warm?    Yep you guessed it, none!    We fell short of Ban Ban and decided to stay at Biggenden, luckily the rain had eased off somewhat and we managed to set up camp in a light mist.    All this way around Oz and this is the 2nd time we have had such crappy weather and it has to be so close to home...... We were so hoping for a fine, sunny week for our trip back home
These little fellas, I think are related to the CWA (Apostle) birds - a few of them around getting a great feed of grubs/worms from the lawns at the Mountain View van park. 

A sculpture downtown Biggenden

Craggy blue mountain ranges are a backdrop for Biggenden, known as 'the Rose of the Burnett'. Along with agricultural pursuits - beef, grain crops, dairying, piggeries, peanuts, citrus and timber - the area is rich in minerals. Located 100 kilometres inland, Biggenden offers a true country feeling just an hour's drive from the coast. The small township is surrounded by open pastures offering the view of wide, open panoramas of the surrounding ranges. Cattle sales are held every second Monday which are a great attraction for visitors.  The Grand pub.
The centre traffic island in the main street is a garden bed of roses dedicated to the early pioneers of the district.    As with all these little country towns, a lot of old buildings still stand today.    A surprising shop frontage here is Artilou, decorated very trendy red and white with these big timber seats out front.   It is an art centre of sorts but closed and didn't look like there was much happening on the inside.   A great little antique/collectables shop here, the owner has just downsized to make way for Life Line as their building had burnt down about 12 weeks ago.
Pretty colorful little town this one.   The day was looking pretty dismal again, we managed to pack up reasonably dry......    Next stop who knows, headed Esk way.    I found out about another attraction near to Biggenden, the Chowey Bridge, the first of its kind in Australia built in 1905 for the railways.  The concrete bridge is located 18km west of the town adn is supported by a main 27m concrete arch and other smaller arches - saw a picture in a brochure and it looks like it is worth a drive out there if you're into bridges.
Downtown Biggenden on our way out, looking a bit wet and gloomy, we're off!

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