Thursday 7 June 2012

5th-6th June - The Slow Way Home

Well our trip is almost done, we packed up and left by 10.20, nearly made the 10am check out time.   This is an interesting plant on the block, we were surprised to see it had sprung a flower, not just a little flower a bloody big tall flower.   Apparently this plant now dies after flowering.    We called in to return Harry's gurnie which we had borrowed to clean the shed out.  
Harry's pooch "Girl", she really does love me regardless of her carry on..
                                                                                                                                                                     A planted field in the "Salad Bowl" of the Lockyer Valley, on the back road to Fernvale where we catch up with Mel's sister Jackie and niece Jesse.  They have a great little house now, up on high ground and flood proof.  Getting back out on the Warrego, we discovered this has now been dubbed the Darren Lockyer Way, special.
Back on the Ipswich Highway which is now completed.  There is a series of overhead walkways, all painted in different colors as this one is blue.   We travelled down to toll road back to Beenleigh just to join up the loop on our map back home.

Look at that, the trusty 'ol ute found its way to the Grand View Hotel, one of our local watering holes.   Blue skies turned out for our return, how nice after the crappy weather of the last few days. 
Look who we found perched up at the bar, surprise, surprise it was Shaun.   Great to see another familiar face and mate, we had a couple drinks and a yak before thinking we better get going otherwise we would just not get home today.

One more stop before we get back to our place, yep we are stretching it out.   Look who's happy to see us home....Audrey.     George was up at the bottlo getting some supplies.    We had a couple more drinks and decided to stay here for the night.   We be home in the morning!
What a year we have had, it has been absolutely amazing.   Too many highlights to mention them all but a few of them would have to be Cape York, Kings Canyon, climbing Ayers Rock, Bungles, Horizontal Falls, playing golf across the Nullabor, Wilpena Pound, the climb to top of Mt Kosciuszko.  We have seen and done some awesome things, made some great new friends and enjoyed catching up with some of them and some of our old friends along the way.  
Some of the places we have been
Some more places we have been
We used just about everything we packed for the trip even if only once, though we didn't use the barby plate we packed or the meat mallet I packed, which my Darl is probably happy about.   We enjoyed mostly fantastic weather, once we got over the wind of WA and the south coast.   We rarely remembered to wind down our stabiliser legs, but in the end we got the set up and packing up down pat.  Even though we said we weren't going to drink every day...........we did, well it is a holiday thing isn't it, to have "happy hour" every day.    
A total of 40,181 kms around the block + over 1,000 kms on the Suziki

Home Sweet Home - come visit us sometime!
We love our backyard........
 Now to settle back in to home life.......find me a car.........find my Darl a job, get back to dancing and work and save up for our next adventure!!   We have been to some fantastic, beautiful places and now we are home, we don't have to travel very far at all to be still enjoying our beautiful country.     
Cleveland Point Lighthouse
Wellington Point Jetty
King Island, Wello Pt - nice to walk out there on low tide

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