Tuesday 10 April 2012

8th to 9th April - Easter continued...

We were debating when we should leave, we not quite ready to hit the road today and tomorrow being Easter Monday decide to stay till Tuesday morning to avoid all the Easter week-end traffic.  Today Heather's off to play her flute in the band for Wind in the Willows play.  Geoff is hosting Easter Sunday lunch for his dad Peter out from nursing home and Mal and Heather their boys, Kris and Stacey and us plus a couple ring ins from down the back.... Roast lamb and vegies in camp ovens.
The bird life on the farm is unreal, Heather rattles off all the names of the different birds that make their homes in and around their property from wetland birds to woodland birds.  I was rapt to capture this spoon bill in one of the ponds.   Despite Geoff's little panic on getting lunch organised today, all went just ticketty boo!  His dad enjoyed the outing, handed out easter eggs to the young ones...We just won't mention what sister-in-law Heather did to Geoff's old mercedes though.......
Heather, Mal, Heather, Mel - shame Heather was out today

The boys behaving in their kennels, Tiger on the left, Nigger on on the right.   These guys love life on the farm and love rounding up the cattle and the cockatoos.   Geoff has just plowed and prepped a paddock for growing feed for the next wave of cows but the cockies love it and are a bit of a pest.    These two, especially Tiger have loved marking their territory around our camp all week-end, funny my Darl tends to do that too where ever we go.....must be a boy thing!

The kids camp down in the corner by the river.  They ventured out 4WD driving over week-end as party pooper Geoff wouldn't allow them to donut his grounds with a bath tub towed behind.  We can't says we blame him on that one...
Gary's cows on the property next door.   These blocks are literally 2 minute drive into the township of Wang (Wangaratta).  We have been here 3 days now and haven't even had a look around Wang.  We have just been enjoying the ambience of country living.

Gary and his wife Maryann called in for a visit on Sunday arvo, Heather had just got back from the play which was a great success, but extremely chilly over at Beechworth, she had trouble playing her flute, it doesn't like the cold much....

Monday morning the yard was invaded by several King Parrots, buzzing around from tree to tree to gutter.  I managed to get a couple of good pics of them.
Heather has some beautiful rose bushes growing around the house.   Just about finished flowering for this season.  
The dogs escorted Heather and I on a walk down part of the property, it is an awesome place.   Lots of big old trees, hundred of years old.  The farm is actually on a flood plain.   Geoff and Heather have done an enormous amount of work to flood proof the house and sheds as much as they can and also have a dry pad for the cows up near the house. 

This one of the grand old trees on the block, there is an opening at the bottom about a metre and a half in circumference.   Tiger must have smelt a fox, he was casing the place out very closely.
One of the many pretty spots by the creek, that runs in to the Ovens River.  Heather collects her rocks for fish tanks down here and spends some nice quiet times here in summer. 
Another water hole closer to the house.

Put another log on the fire!   Geoff had all the toys, trucks, 4WD's, back hoe etc.  I am surprised my Darl didn't hit Geoff up for a play.

Uhah!  He did find a toy to play with, he looks like he means business too doesn't he, I am getting out of the way.   Just going to chase a few cockies away.... over to the next door neighbours property.
Their son Kris and his fiance Stacey.   Got some great camp oven tips from Kris.  He is a little shy on PDA (Public Display of Affection) but a real character and had us in fits of laughter over the week-end.    By the way the wheels are Stacey's, she has just got her gun licence this year so they can go out on hunting trips, foxes, rabbits mostly I think.   We had a great stay at Geoff and Heather's - thanks so much and see you in Brisvegas, remember it's only 1 day and a half away........

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