Tuesday 10 April 2012

5th to 7th April - Easter at Williams at Wang

We only had a short drive from Glenrowan to "Glenloth", Wangaratta.  Now when we drove in, Geoff and Heather had just seen off Geoff's brother and wife, Mal and Heather who had been camping a few days.   That's 3 Heathers and 2 Mel/Mal...... we were sorry we missed them, that would've been a photo.   We settled in to the back yard, opting not to take the trek over a couple bog holes to camp down on the banks of Ovens River which borders Geoff and Heather's property. 
The nights are nice and cool, perfect camp fire weather.    I was looking forward to getting up close and personal with the cows, but they have not long sold them off.    They run average 60-70 head of beef cattle here, but have sold them all off cause they are off to America for a 7 week adventure touring around.   Geoff has got the accent down pat already....... G&H's sons, gals and friends come out for Easter to camp down by the river.  They arrive all  hours of the day/night, set up camp and their camp fire in competition to the oldies up by the homestead.
We met Geoff and his mate Gary in Weipa, they were on a boys trip, fishing and touring around the Cape.  Gary runs cattle on the farm next door and they share equipment, manpower etc.   Good Friday and they are converting a truck to a cattle carrier, so my Darl offers his assistance - many hands make light work or something like that.

Job done for today, time for a refreshment before heading down the river to try their luck in catching a murray cod or two - that would be nice for dinner.....
Gary caught a fish, Geoff caught a fish, Darl got a real good bite and gave his usual reflex reaction, a big yank on the line.    Ahh that's not how you do it down here mate..... these fish have no teeth, they suck the bait in, which happens to be mozzeralla cheese?!    Geoff reckons Darl would've pulled the poor fish's arse through his mouth.      Let it suck it up!!  The other fish caught too small so were set free.....
Geoff and Heather have a few dogs on the farm.   This is Micky Mouse, no he is a dog - looks a bit like a Meerkat someone said.  He also walks backwards on his back legs...... Tonight is spuds cooked in the camp fire, with butter salt and pepper or cream cheese and sweet chilli sauce.   Good tucker!     The horse "Glenloth" won the Melbourne Cup back in the 1920's - the owners of the horse bought properties in the Wang area and named this one after the horse.  (or something like that, my Darl's details a bit sketchy)
Saturday we venture off on a bit of a drive around the countryside - off to Beechworth for starters.  It was a nice, warm day so we donned the shorts and t-shirts.    When we got to Beechworth up in the hills and got out of the car at about 11am - there was a definite breezy chill in the air......maybe we should've packed the jumpers, ah well let's go for a look around.   This bloke is made up of all sorts of bits and pieces from old wire matress, nuts, bolts, spanners etc..

It was the Annual Golden Horseshoes Festival, held every Easter.  It commemorates the legend of Daniel Cameron who 157 years ago this year famously led a parade through the streets of Beechworth on a horse shod with shoes of real gold.   Cameron, a political aspirant to the Victorian Legislative Assembly, proved a hit with the locals who duly elected him to the State's first parliament.  Each Easter Saturday, the 1855 legend is re-enacted with a ceremonial shoeing of a horst with golden shoes and a Grand Parade led by a rider in the guise of Daniel Cameron.  We watched the shoeing then the parade...

The parade was a bit of fun.   These guys from the local Beechworth Bakery were having a ball throwing, loaves, dough, flour all over the joint.   Little tubby on the pushy has eaten one too many loaves we reckon.

These old gals were havin' a ball into the champas,  I wonder if it was the real deal.  Good on the CWA.   There were also displays by dancers, schools, wineries, ghost tours, vintage cars, chinese dragons etc., in the parade, we quite enjoyed it.

This one for my dad..... how about it dad?  This old fella looks as old as my dad too.  He was racing through the parade, obviously he's been riding for years. 
When we arrived there was hardly anyone in the street, at the end of the parade just before we left, the streets were packed.    It was a great day out for young, old, anad families - lots of entertainment happening.   Live bands, street performers etc.   All the shops were opened, markets happening.   At the top of the street is the old goal open for tours.

Politics always finds it's way in, this the last of the parade..... that's Julia on the left, she had the hair, nose, walk down pat.   The blokes had the ears, budgies and the tan down pat.   A bit of fun!

Typical country side around this district, green, hilly, a lot of trees, very picturesque.
We had to have a drink at Yakandandah Hotel.   A nice little village, usual historic buildings and some nice antiques, collectable shops.  Back home via Myrtleford, it was a great little circuit drive.

We had a constant camp fire going all week-end.   So did the young ones down by the river, I think there's was a little bigger than ours.    Geoff is taking a couple of years paid leave off from the ambos, not due back to work till next year!   He has done the hard yards for  30 odd years, time for a rest.....  Heather is another amazing talent, she is an artist, musician, life coach, writer....... a great couple!  So glad you did your clutch in Weipa Geoff and we meet up with you. We met a few people on our trip out of vehicle break downs.
Full moon rising over the property......Heather says after every Easter it turns cold, all to do with the equinox.   
Heather's hair is down past her bum, just like Linda's.     Geoff is thinning a little on top, Heather helping him out.....nah the fringe doesn't quite work, stick with what you got Geoff!

A nice foggy morn over the block......   The more time we spend here on the farm, the more I realise what Heather says about the ever changing scenery and colours is so right.  I see it when I look back at all the photos I have taken over Easter...... Part two of Easter week-end to follow.

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