Monday 9 April 2012

30th to 2nd April - Castlemaine

We’re looking forward to seeing Pat and Brian Nunan at Castlemaine, they were our neighbours in Broome for a few nights, way back when.  When we first met, Brian told my Darl he was a painter, Darl’s reply “a house painter?” B:  No I’m an artist D: What a bullshit artist?” and so laid the foundations for a lasting friendship.    Brian was chuffed when he discovered we had something in common, he and Pat had just been held up in Kunnanurra for a few weeks and thousands of dollars getting their gearbox fixed.   We were doing the same in Broome......
Post Office Castlemaine

Old pub, old car
In deed Brian is an artist – he has travelled extensively throughout the outback, months at a time, year after year for many many years, gathering material for his paintings.  Pat and Brian have lived in Castlemaine for the past 15 years, after they purchased a property from the local Catholic Church, the old Lady of Mercy Convent and School house.  After extensive renovations, they live in the convent and the school is now Brian’s gallery and studio. 
We thoroughly enjoyed wandering through Brian's gallery, this man is an amazing talent, his life's work adorning the walls - each painting has a story to tell.   One of Brian's favourite subjects is the Boab tree of northern  WA. 

Brian has several themed rooms in his gallery, the nude room, the blue room, the red room and the purple room,  plus the Burke and Wills room - he has painted a series of 12 paintings depicting the adventures of Burke, Wills and King.  Sculptures throughout the gallery, gardens and home, in timber and bronze have been created by Pat and Brian's daughter Shona.  If interested, to check out more about Brian and his artworks go to

The convent was built around 1912, strange as it may seem the fence surrounding the property is heritage listed, the stone rock face out front is heritage listed, but the convent and school buildings are noted as buildings of significance.  That’s okay with Pat and Brian as there are no restrictions any renovations they want to do.  The property is actually sitting on a hard rock gold reef, they had a job and a half planting the gardens, but they are now well established and beautiful.
Convent/home on left, schoolhouse/gallery right
Brian and Pat told us on occasions they find someone out front, chipping away at the rockface.........
Beautiful gardens, sculptures
What a great few days we have spent with this pair.  On Friday night they took us off to one of the districts old time dances at a little old hall in Yandoit.  There was about 50 people and the hall and the dance floor was packed.   Now Darl and I are rock’n roll dancers, but we muddled our way through, some dances we picked up easier than others. We met some lovely people and one couple even gave us their number to stay at their property at Golden Beach if we get there.   There was a supper put on, lucky door prize and a raffle (which we won!).  Oh yeah and my Darl managed to kick both my big toes more than once, one blooded, I hobbled home!
The small dance hall at Yandoit

Each dance done 3 times - we managed to get most of them
Over the week-end my Darl went hunting for a part for the spare tyre to secure back under the ute, but no luck.  He also went walk about to a swap meet and was missing in action for a several hours.   Pat took us on some great drives out to Daylesford via Hepburn Springs and to Maldon via Newstead and out to meet their son Paul, lives nearby on a beautiful property.  We took in the sights and had a look at a few Antique/Collectable shops.   Pat and I did the artist markets and farmers markets, both lovely country markets.  Darl did an outing with Brian to Maryborough to visit a friend in hospital. 
Shopping alley in Daylesford

Old pub, shops Maldon

Old steam engine, others still operate between Maldon and Castlemaine

When Pat found out the my Darl likes playing with machinery, she took us by an old gold dredging site.    This dredge operated for almost 30 years until 1984 when it was abandoned, along with the crane below which was used to clear a dredge path.  This dredge site is one of 30 in the South Alexander Diggings Trail. 
Dredging for gold dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, however due to environmental reasons, it is no longer practised. 
View over Maldon from Lookout
We got on the bikes and took a look around Castlemaine, then out to the XXXX Antique Complex.  OMG!!  The antiques were exquisite – most imported from England and Europe, like nothing we have seen before.  There are a number of buildings on this property and interestingly, the first of the buildings was actually the old XXXX Castlemaine beer bond store, the XXXX brewery across the road.  Now I bet a lot of you didn’t know that XXXX didn’t start out in Queensland, it actually started in Victoria.
St Mary's catholic church - they found enough gold in the digging of the foundations to pay for building of the church, how's that for striking it lucky!

We were blown away at the XXXX Antique complex.   Several buildings full of absolutely exquisite antiques like we have never seen before.   Most imported from UK and Europe, awesome stuff.

Darl liked this one, a building full
In 1857 Edward Fitzgerald arrived in Castlemaine and established the XXXX brewery.  In 1866 the Perkins brothers purchase the Brisbane City Brewery in Mary Street. They sold their interest in the Castlemaine Brewery and moved to Queensland.

 One last outing on Monday night, we all went off to the dance at Dunolly, some 60kms away.   Pat driving us, mentioned to Brian “do you think I have enough fuel in the tank?” B:  “Yes it’ll be no worries” – as we passed the fuel station.   Another night of meeting some great country folk and us muddling our way through the dances again.  But it was a lot of fun and as it was someone’s birthday, we had a great supper afterwards.  Pat was quite worried about the fuel level going home, if worse comes to worse we will have to get out and push??   We made it back home all the way from Dunolly with the fuel light on!  Pat discovered later she still had 2.5 litres left in the tank, Brian was right after all…….
Shower room of cottage
Brian and Pat's Rembrandt Cottage - Artists retreat

Cottage is rented out as a weekender, a getaway  from the rat race.   Fully self contained, brightly decorated, peaceful gardens to enjoy, relax.  A bargain at $75 a night.

Thanks for a great stay Pat and Brian, see you in Alexandra Hills when you come to visit us!!
We had a lot of laughs over the week-end - here are the boys with their trailers.   Brian built his trailer, he's thinking about upgrading to something a little bigger perhaps......

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