Friday 13 April 2012

10th April - Off to Swifts Creek

We said our good-byes to Geoff and Heather.  It was -0.8 deg this morning on the farm, you may as well say - 1.0 deg.  Geoff reckons we are in for some even colder weather going over the mountains and gives us both a couple of pairs of woollen socks, short and long.  Ambo issue, cool thanks Geoff!!    Them there's the Aussie Alps we be heading for.   Does look a bit chilly but we are nice and snug in the car, got my long shorts on and thongs......

We travel through Myrtleford, Running Creek, Mount Beauty where we stop at the lookout for Mount Bogong, (right) highest mountain in Victoria - 1986 metres above sea level.    

We were cruising through the mountains, very windy road when we come across Bogong Village, how could anyone live up here.  Where do they come from, where do they go and what do they do????

We noticed the lines on the road changed colour from white to orange, then we spotted these tall orange poles spaced along the road side, keep right, that would be handy as there is a very steep descent on the other side....  The orange colour so's you can see the line markings in the SNOW!

We got to Falls Creek, we'll stop here for a break from the windy windy roads and some lunch.  Gees everyone has their warm ski jumpers on??  Jumped out the warm cosy car and it was feeling real fresh!   Asked the young girl in the info centre what was the temperature, she said it was -0.2 deg just two hours ago, that would've been 11.30am??   Nah I'm sure she got that wrong, but it was very chilly.....

The main resort has these great balconies each with a spa bath (hot tub) on them.   I couldn't talk my Darl into a cosy fireplace, hot tub and some schnapps to warm up.   Behind the resort, is a chair lift up to the top of the mountains and the snow fields, it would've been great to go for a ride, but no chairs - we must be a bit too early in the season.  Falls Creek is situated adjacent to the impressive Bogong High Plains which forms part of the Alpine National Park. Falls Creek’s Village is located at 1600 metres above sea level while the resort ranges in elevation from 1210m to 1842m.

Looking back down Rocky Valley, the Falls Creek resort up on the left.

Rocky Valley Dam, we drove over the dam wall to continue on our way to Swifts Creek.
Continuing along past Falls Creek, what happened to the road, no line markings, narrow and still windy.  I had a look at the map and this road is closed in winter, that figures, as you wouldn't really know where the road be in snow fall.

You're kidding??

We got to see a bit more sky once we hit the Omeo Highway, through Omeo onto Great Alpine Highway to Swifts Creek.    Omeo is a big cattle district, the stock yards were chockers with cows waiting to be trucked out to somewhere... The town of Omeo originated as a settlement, springing up when a rich supply of alluvial gold was discovered in 1851, like so many towns were. 
Swifts Creek a quaint little village.   A one stop general store, pub, cafe, bakery and this Town Hall.   I bet they have some humdinger dances here.   Swifts Creek originally settled by Europeans in the gold rushes of the mid 1800's, is located in the Tambo Valley alongside the Tambo River.  Population here about 300 with main industries being timber mill and farming of sheep and cattle.

Now this is what I call a log pile - put another log on the fire.... whip me up some bacon and some beans!!!   We set up camp in the van park, a good cheapie.   I quickly found the winter woollies AND my new woollen socks.   We checked the weather on telly at the pub, Falls Creek was -4 deg minimum and 2 deg maximum today, you got to be kidding!  But they weren't.

Sorry Darl but I am thinking of myself now, all the passion killers on, flanny jarmy pants, my "I'm a lumber jack and I'm okay" jacket, my favourite uggies and my  now favourite woollen socks!     1 deg minimum this morning.

We are camped right beside the Tambo River.  Good little overnight camp.  Great little town and the bakery is not bad either.    

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